Complaint Management
Information on the complaints procedure of Creditreform Luxembourg S.A.
Reasons for our standardised complaints procedure:
Protecting the interests of our clients is the highest priority for Creditreform Luxembourg S.A.. The handling of client complaints also falls within this context. The defined principles therefore represent guidelines according to which Creditreform Luxembourg S.A. handles customer complaints.
We would therefore like to give our customers the opportunity to bring any problems or difficulties to our attention immediately and as quickly as possible. Our goal is then to define a fair and quickest possible solution. We thus protect the interests of our customers and also see this as an opportunity to further strengthen our customer loyalty and improve our service quality.
Complaint management at Creditreform Luxembourg S.A.
Creditreform Luxembourg S.A. has set up a complaints office with the aim of ensuring that your complaint is dealt with transparently and promptly. Please send your complaint by post or e-mail to the following address:
Postal address: Creditreform Luxembourg S.A.
Complaint management
50, rue Gabriel Lippmann
L-6947 Niederanven, Luxembourg
The processing of complaints is always free of charge and without any disadvantages for the complainant. Complaints can first be submitted to our internal complaints department, giving a brief description of the facts and your name. As soon as we receive a complaint, we will process it immediately. You will receive feedback from us within ten working days of receipt of the complaint. This does not apply in the event that we have already found a satisfactory solution within this period, which is our aim.
If, due to the complexity of the matter, it appears that the handling process will take longer, you will receive a notice of receipt within ten working days and, if no solution can be found by then, an interim notice within one month of receipt of the complaint. If you are not satisfied with our response to the complaint, the next step is to write to the management.